History of panties How were they born? Skip to content


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Article: What about panties?

¿ Y si hablamos de bragas?

What about panties?

History of panties

The panty, (we call it panty and not panties, because that's what it's called), a garment that has evolved over the centuries has its roots in the Roman Empire, used as a piece of underwear by both men, in most cases, and women. Originally designed to provide comfort and modesty, its main purpose was to maintain hygiene and protect the skin from friction.

Over time, the breeches have been transformed. In the Middle Ages, its function was expanded to include protection against the cold as well. And it was not until the Renaissance that it became a more elaborate garment, adorned with lace and embroidery, indicating the social status and wealth of the wearer.

Over time, the use of the garment reached more people. Initially the panties were knotted at the waist with a string, in order to adjust to the waist and prevent it from slipping. The string evolved into a button or loop as the garment became more popular in the 19th century, which made it easier to put on and better adjusted to the body. This element also served as a guide to easily identify the back or front (where it was normally located) of the garment. This innovation revolutionized the comfort and practicality of the garment, adapting it to the changing needs of fashion and daily life.

Today, the panty has become a versatile and functional garment, available in a wide variety of styles, fabrics and designs to suit individual tastes and needs. From the most delicate lace to the comfort of cotton, panties remain an essential part of intimate apparel. And yes, in an ornamental way, in many designs we still find "the bow", which finds supporters and detractors in equal parts.

If you have come this far, you are as enthusiastic as we are about everything !!!!! And in Ysabel Mora we proudly celebrate 20 years dedicated to this garment.

After 20 years, more than 20 million units sold and more than 200 models throughout this time, SOMETHING ABOUT THIS WE KNOW!

Two decades offering high quality panties in multiple patterns, committed to innovation in the design and manufacture of intimate apparel and providing comfort and style to our customers around the world, of any age and stage of life.

In the following posts we will tell you all about the universe of panties we work with, but if you want to go ahead, discover here our proposal.

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